Monday, 22 November 2010

Run Sweeney Run: The Challenge

Last month, my dear friend and fitness buddy GG launched this across the Twittersphere at me:

Obviously, I assumed she was drunk (she's Scottish and it was 6pm on a Saturday):

And then:

I took this as a promise that she'd buy me Louboutins if I agreed to do it (you see how I got there, right?), and I'd be stupid to turn that deal down - I was in. 

As it happens, GG wasn't drunk, and I'd just signed up to run the Semi Marathon de Paris - that's the Paris Half Marathon to you and me. 

Since then, 16 other amazing women have signed up to be part of Team Bangs on the Run, headed by the fabulous Bangs and a Bun. We're running for Refuge, an incredible charity who provide emergency accommodation and support for women and children experiencing domestic violence. 

Now, dear strangers/friends/family, this is where you come in. The lovely Muireann (aka Bangs) clearly has a lot of faith in us all if the fundraising target she's set us is anything to go by, and we'll need your help to smash it. Please take a minute to visit Team Bangs on the Run's JustGiving page and donate anything you can. And if you have been kind enough to donate, don't forget to drop me a comment so I can let the world know how fabulous you are!

If you haven't already, you can meet Team Bangs on the Run and our fearless leader here.

1 comment:

  1. I forgot to say that I love your profile pics!!!
    Here is my blog follow me if you like it please!!!
    Have a great snowy day!!
