Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Janathon: Day 31 - thank you!

Flickr image from vistamommy's photostream

So, the last day of Janathon. Did I crank out a 1 mile/ 5km/ 10km PB? Conquer the evil stairs? Rack up a sweaty 60 minutes on the Nike Training Club app? No. I did NOTHING.

I'm so ashamed to say that, and I won't even make any excuses. I could have got up early in the morning and run, but I let myself sleep in instead. So there it is - laziness won out in the end. But overall, Janathon has been brilliant. I ran a total of 98 km - the most I've ever run in a month - and did a fair bit of cross training. I never would have done all of that without Janathon. Those of you who ran and blogged every day - you are my heroes, go and eat lots of cake.

I've discovered some fabulous blogs this month, which I will continue to follow (if the blogging bug has bitten the previously non-bloggers). Here are a few of my favourites:

Thank you to everyone who's read and commented on my Janathon posts (and the rest), knowing you guys were keeping an eye on me really cheered and geared me up when I was struggling. I'd love you all to stay for my Paris Half Marathon adventures and beyond!

Now, will you all join me in a massive round of applause for the wonderful Cathy, who organised the whole shebang? Cathy, take a bow:

Flickr image from vxla's photostream

Now that Janathon's over, normal service will be resumed here at ksweeswee towers. Training for Paris ramps up, with a VERY scary challenge this weekend (more on that later this week). Stay tuned! 


  1. Aw, thanks! And good luck with your training.

  2. lol- I am planning on carrying on blogging and reading your so I'll pop back to say hi every now and then! Whens your half?

  3. Yay, well done! And good luck for Paris!

  4. Mmmm. Nothing. This sloth likes the sound of that. Good luck with Paris and I'm definitely staying tuned for the scary challenge.

  5. I was just thinking of signing you up to a stair race on the 3rd March!! Only 920 stairs -tallest building in London?!


    Is it scarier than that? Alternatively I can only conclude that you are thinking of taking up NUDIST running - one way to ensure you're extra speedy and suitably French for your Paris debut!!

    Well done on your seriously impressive mileage. xx

  6. Thanks everyone!

    @fortnightflo - glad to hear it! It's on 6 March, not long now!

    @Justine - HELL. NO. You must remember, half of my stair challenge was descending, and I'm pretty sure I actually died during it. Will consider the nudist thing, but might save it for summer - a Sunday Run Club special perhaps?

