Sunday, 30 January 2011

Janathon: Days 28, 29 & 30

Whoops. I dropped the ball on the whole blogging aspect of Janathon there. And on Day 28, I dropped the ball on the exercise part too. Eek. I blame the mystery bug - I'm not quite sure what it was, but I felt like I'd been hit by a bus full of tranquilizers on Friday. It was all I could do to keep my eyes open at work, and when I got home and started crying because I'd forgotten to charge my electric toothbrush, I decided to skip my planned teeny 3km run and go to bed.

I took to Twitter to moan about feeling poorly, and was warned off my planned long run the next day by a couple of my fellow Team Bangs on the Run girls. But when I woke up on Day 29 feeling human again, I thought I'd risk it and went to meet the Sunday Run Club girls for a Saturday morning run around Hyde Park. The lovely Lucinda had mapped us out a 14.75km run taking in Green Park, St James' Park, one and a half loops of the Serpentine, and lots of other bits of Hyde Park.

I was fully prepared to drop out part way through the run if I felt at all dodgy, so I was chuffed I was able to run the full distance, plus the 1.5km I'd run from home to the park (I got the bus back, please don't judge me). I LOVE Sunday Run Club - without those girls, I'd have had such a hard time getting myself out there. Thank you lovely Justine for organizing us! Here's the route we took (I think - I lost the print-out that Lucinda gave me):

I've spent the best part of Day 30 in Milton Keynes, eating, drinking and shopping with my lovely friend Charlotte. I did think about logging the 50 miles we walked around that shopping centre as today's Janathon activity, but that might be pushing it. So on went the Nike Training Club app, and a 15 minute Leg Sculptor workout:

As tomorrow's the last day of Janathon, I feel like I should do something special - a 10km PB perhaps? That's clearly not going to happen, but I'll try and think of something fabulous.

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