Monday, 28 March 2011

The danger of doing nothing

Confession time. My name is Kaye and I haven't run since Paris. 22 days ago. Three weeks and one day.

Every day my worn in, mud-encrusted Asics lie on my bedroom floor, ready to pound the pavements once again. And every day, I've stepped over them, trying not to look directly at them while I squeeze my size 3's into my black heeled boots or lovely sparkly brogues. Is it just me or do they actually look sad? To borrow a sentiment from Friends, they're not fulfilling their destiny.

Here's how it happened: I got back from Paris desperate to sign up to another run. But obviously my body needed a recovery period, so I decided I'd give myself a leisurely week. 'You deserve it' people said, 'enjoy the fact that you've got nothing to train for', 'don't worry, you'll get back to it really easily, just take some time off'. So I thought it was ok that I was getting up at 6:45am and getting ready for work instead of 5:45am for my morning run and spending my Sunday mornings in bed instead of running somewhere between 10 and 18km around Hyde Park. IT WAS NOT OK.

It's not that I've done nothing fitness-wise, I have been keeping up my weekly PT sessions, but it's not enough. I trained for months to bring my body up to a certain fitness level, to the point where I ran for 2 hours (and 3 minutes) without stopping. I don't want to jump back into a hardcore half marathon training programme, but feel like I'm wasting all of that hard work by just stopping completely. Plus, that was never the plan - I was supposed to sign up for another event and keep training.

So here it is. This is the week I get off my (slightly wibbly) arse and get back into training. The next 10km race I've entered isn't till July, but I want to bring my PB down to sub-50 minutes (my current 10km PB is 00:55:42), so I'm going to work on speed, as well as distance. Get me my trainers, let's do this!


  1. They do look sad - like a pair of trainers that never get used for what they were made for (someone did a good blog about that in Janathon but I can't remember who!). get em on and get out there!

  2. Are you near a parkrun? As you're London based, I suspect you will be. If you're working on pace but don't fancy long, long distances, then a timed 5km every Saturday could be for you.

  3. Charlotte Freestone29 March 2011 at 10:34

    I didn't really let myself have any time off running after the half mara effort for fear that I would never run again so I totally relate!

    But oh...! look how beautiful the weather is outside...look how light it is in the mornings/evenings! Aw Swizzle, back on the band wagon you jump! As soon as you start again you'll realise how much you have missed it.

    x x x x
