Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Newspaper nails

Check these bad boys out.

A couple of days ago, on my usual lunchtime trawl of my favourite websites, I spotted this fabulous post on Grazia Daily about newspaper-print nails. Now, I usually manage to mess up even the simplest of paint jobs (for some inexplicable reason, I just cannot sit still and let them dry), but I promise this is idiot-proof.

Plus, you get to use vodka - best craft tool ever, no? One of my thumbnails had 'McQueen' printed on it, the other has 'cleavage'. I'm thinking lots of naughty words on hot pink next time. Find out how to do it here.


  1. Kaye these are amazing, I am so trying this out

  2. If I only had nails, nail varnish and vodka, I'd be trying them out right now.

  3. Charlotte Freestone31 March 2011 at 09:20

    Amazing! So I guess depending on the mood of the day or the company you are keeping you pick between words from The Sun or words from The Guardian?!

