Thursday 2 June 2011

Juneathon: Day 1

Happy Juneathon! You've all joined Juneathon, right? If not, please rectify that here. Don't worry, I'll wait.

Good, now you've signed up to run (or do some other form of exercise) every day, and blog about it within 24 hours. It won't be too hard, I promise. It certainly won't be as hard as Janathon, with it's icy, miserable weather and dark mornings (you can read my Janathon posts here). We can totally do Juneathon. And if you've missed day 1, just start on day 2, it's all good, the Juneathon family understands.

Day 1 of Juneathon happened to fall on PT day, so there was no getting out of it even if I wanted to, which is just how I like my exercise.

PT must have sensed Juneathon was in the air, because today happened to be the day we switched back to weight training. While I was training for Paris, we eased off the weights and concentrated on my lung capacity and building strength in my core and back, and with Operation Abs, we've upped the amount of boxing in our sessions. So it's been a while since I did any proper lifting. And I'm definitely paying for it now.

I really want to try to run as much of Juneathon as I can, but seeing as I've just re-joined the gym after a brief separation (we had a row about money), I'm back in the honeymoon phase, so my morning runs might be treadmill-based and split with some resistance work. Either way, it's happening - I'm exercising every day. 

Even though it's warmer and lighter outside, I get the feeling I'm going to struggle with Juneathon for a couple of reasons:
  1. I'm not currently training for anything. During Janathon, I was training for the Paris Half Marathon, which gave me a reason to get my trainers on and my ass on the road. My next event (which I'll tell you about in a separate post) isn't till late September, so my official training plan for that doesn't start till July. But training for that is going to have to be pretty hardcore (again, I'll explain all in another post very soon), so there's no better way to get those miles back into my legs than Juneathon!
  2. I'm going on holiday in two weeks. With my girlfriends. Clearly, this is going to involve some alcohol, which probably won't make me want to run/walk/get off my sun lounger. And I'm sure as shit not going for runs on my own in a place I don't know. But our hotel does have a swanky new gym, and I'm planning to squeeze my trainers, sports bra and a pair of shorts into my limited luggage allowance (don't tell the girls), and I'm hoping I'll be able to manage a quick treadmill run once a day. 
But that's the point, right? It wouldn't be a challenge without real life getting in the way.

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