Wednesday 15 June 2011

Juneathon: Day erm, 15

Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry! I've been such a bad blogger these past couple of weeks, but a good Juneathoner, I promise!

I've been hitting the gym in the mornings before work (so lovely to be reunited with my morning gym crew - we don't talk to each other, it's far too early for that, but it's nice to know we're all in it together) and on weekends - at first, because I needed the endorphins, and then because I realised my holiday was just around the corner. I leave for the sunshine at the crack of dawn tomorrow morning, so things will be quiet on the blog front for a week or so, but I've got lots of fabulous posts planned for my return, so please come back!

Juneathoners, I've packed my trainers in my teeny tiny case, and apparently the hotel has a lovely new gym, so I'm planning to take full advantage - I'll need to work off all those cocktails.

See you in a week, Juneathon hard!


  1. Have a great time! I know what you mean about silent solidarity in the gym -- nice observation.

  2. Have a FAB-U-LOUS holiday xx

  3. Woohoo - Happy holidays!!
