Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Dear diary: The results

Oh, that PT is a crafty one. Just when I'd forgotten about my food diary woe, he pounced. There's nothing like an email about the state of your diet to wake you up first thing on a Monday morning.

As predicted, he wasn't happy:

"Ok so from what i can see the current diet is not looking too good. Its fairly low calorie but not too high in quality nutrients missy!" (that's me told)

So, here's the plan:

"These are some basic food and liquid sources I would like you to follow for now... they are definitely not the most exciting but definitely are the most effective and HEALTHY!" (I took the caps to mean that my current diet is far from healthy)

The basis of my Operation Abs diet:
  • Oats (gah!)
  • Broccoli 
  • Spinach
  • Carrots
  • Mushroom
  • Celery
  • Cabbage
  • *Confession* I've eliminated cauliflower from this list as it's vile
  • Salmon
  • Tuna
  • Chicken breast
  • Water
  • Peppermint tea
  • Soya milk (only with breakfast - so long coffee, sweet nectar of life)

So far, so good (the coffee habit is getting a little out of hand, it needs to be stopped). But where's the bread? The pasta? The quinoa? The couscous? Where are the god damn carbs?! Obviously they'd be limited and brown, but they need to be there, right? He must have forgotten. How else am I supposed to construct a meal? I mean, when I think up an outfit, I start at the shoes and work my way up. When I think up a meal, the carbs are the shoes.

A gentle reminder about the missing carbs elicited this reply from PT:

"Nope, stay off those lovely carby items totally please."

*Right now, I'd like you to imagine a montage of pretty things while I edit out my bitter, sweary diatribe about how unnecessarily mean he's being*

I've never tried to cut carbs from my diet before, mainly because I didn't think I'd be able to do it. But for the purpose of Operation Abs, I need to look at this differently. It's a new way of eating, a new challenge, a chance to see my body change again. And if I do it all properly, it won't take forever.

I can totally do this, but I need your help to make it enjoyable. Can you think of any yummy things I can make out of the things in that list up there? If so, please let me know! Also, if any of you lovely readers want to do join in with Operation Abs, please do, I'll need the company to keep me going*.

Operation Abs is go!

*Duties may include removing me from the bread and baked goods aisles of supermarkets at 3am. 


  1. Swizzle, I give you some of my fave delish, carb-free recipes:

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/vegetarianchilli_6544 - obvs ignore the "serve with rice" bit!


    Also Salmon with pesto spread on top and baked is MEGA!

    Love x

  2. Lol - I live with someone who won't let cauliflower in the house so I have to sneak it in when he's away. Enjoy your new carbless life.

  3. Jeez that looks tough - I have tried sans bread this week - Porridge and Rybita have become the staples of my diet...far too much green stuff in there!

  4. @char - thanks my dear!

    @abradypus - I'm flummoxed by the idea that you like it enough to actually sneak it in the house! I know it's just white broccoli (which I love), but I can't stand it.

    @fortnightflo - Ohh, good luck! Apparently I can only snack on raw veg and beef jerky, not even allowed Ryvita, boo! Hope it goes well!

  5. Sweeeeeeeee!!!! K, here's my average day...

    Brekkie - 1/2 chopped apple 1/2 chopped pear, crushed walnuts with coconut milk (the runny one from Holland and Barrett) and then a little scrambled egg love

    Snack - Apple and some walnuts

    Lunch - Maybe thai green curry from Pod, tuna niscoise from pret, or lunch brought in from home (usually meat and veg)

    Snack - more nuts

    Dinner - Meat and salad

    Dear dear, sounds very boring, but it kinda makes you feel light and stuff!! And let it be known that all them green veggies lift the breasticles, I ain't lying F.I.R.M.!!!!

  6. Thanks so much Jos, that's fab! And firm breasticles? Amaze! I'm going to go out and but some coconut milk today - not loving the soya too much. x
