Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Janathon: Day 25

God bless ice. My foot feels much better today - gone is the limp, but I can still feel something's up with it, so I decided against running and SUPERchick group training today. But I enjoyed last night's Nike Training Club app workout so much, I decided to do another for tonight's Janathon cross-training.

I went for the 15-minute 'Leg Sculptor' workout (side lunges, squats, squat jumps, ski jumps, around the world lunges and split jumps x3) followed by the 15-minute 'Arm Definer' (single leg arm curls, push ups, modified tricep push ups, sumo squats with press and plank rows x3). Once again, I was left a sweaty mess.

Clocking up another 30 minutes on the app meant I unlocked the Drill Seeker level, and my first reward - lots of fabulous power smoothie recipes.

Wednesdays are usually PT day but due to my bank account being full of dust, we're skipping this week's session. Hopefully my foot will feel good enough for me to run on tomorrow, otherwise I'm going to find myself a 60-minute workout on the app.


  1. Wow! Drill seeker. That sounds well hard.

  2. ooh that looks pretty funky...mighht have to ry it once Janathon is over - cna just about fit in a run a day let alone other exercise!

  3. hi! I have android phone and when i open the reward it only show me the pictures of those power smoothies not the recipes...:/do you know what I supposed to do ? :)
