Friday, 28 January 2011

Janathon: Day 27

Are you bored of me exercising indoors yet? I am. So last night, I took myself off to SUPERchick group training in Hyde Park after work. 

The lovely Cat was taking our session, and had us doing a series of drills including sprints, upside-down sit-ups (on a hill) and planks before starting our 'pyramid session'. No, we were not (as I first feared) going to attempt one of these (Cat, if you're reading this, look away now, I don't want you getting any ideas):

Flickr image from lifeabundantly's photostream

Instead, we were doing circuits in 15 second, 30 second, 1 minute, 30 second and 15 second periods. Piece of cake, I thought. Then we started, and Cat was saying things like 'turbo pain'. Unfortunately, after Wednesday's mental stair challenge, I knew what she meant. It hurt. But it wasn't all bad - as I've said before, the fabulous thing about SUPERchicks is the gossip distraction technique, and last night was a prime example. We talked about Cat's wedding and honeymoon (Dorset and Harry Potter Land if she gets her way), just how mental Black Swan is (I haven't seen it yet so no spoilers please), and my favourite topic of the moment - My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding (the dress! Those kids! MARY DOLL!). All while doing single leg squats, tricep dips, funny arm-shakey-with-a-partner-thing I don't know the name of, squat jumps, prone cobras and push-ups. 

Then I went home and my lovely Al made me steak and chips. Day 27 done

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kaye,
    it's your fitblr buddy here :)
    Sorry I didn't contact you earlier, but I wanted to properly look through your blog first!
    You're a real kick-ass woman! Respect!
    It's amazing how great you are doing with the Janathon!
    Keep it up!
    Your buddy x
