Saturday, 8 January 2011

Janathon: Day 8

I really must learn how to operate my alarm clock. I woke up at 9am this morning, really annoyed with myself because I'd wanted to be at the gym for 8. But I dragged myself there, ready to fight with the newbies for machines, and found it empty.

Like, properly empty:
I'm a crap photographer.

There were about 10 people on the gym floor, but not a single treadmill walker. So I cranked out a 50 minute leg session with not a single fight. Plus, I stayed in the normally male-dominated weights corner for most of the session - something that I never do for fear of the weird grunty men. I'm guessing other women feel the same way,  I hardly ever see any in there. 

A fabulous Janathon day. Then I came home and made peanut butter bacon cookies. They are the shizz:

Tomorrow I'm joining SUPERchicks Justine and Lucinda for a 5k run in Hyde Park, which I'll hopefully extend to the 11k I had planned for last week if my foot feels up to it! But first, there's food to think about - Justine's spoiling us with a night of Nigella-style feasting and XBOX Kinect-ing tonight. I should probably stop eating these cookies then.


  1. Um. Peanut butter I get, but how does the bacon bit work? Enjoy the feast!

  2. Hmm, I'm a vegetarian but even if I wasn't, I don't think I'd want bacon in my peanut butter cookies!

    I don't like the weird grunty men, either.

  3. I know it sounds weird, but I promise, it's amazing. It's the combination of salty and sweet...

  4. Interesting baking there, I symphasise with your 9am wake up I did the same wanted a park run but failed to get out of bed. how annoying. Love the empty gym shot, can I send some of my January Gym goeers to yours as mine is heaving at the moment?

  5. Mmmmmm peanut butter cookies.

    Wow your gym is dead! I can't believe people have given up that quickly! If I walked into my gym and it was that dead I'm be worrying there might have been a zombie or some other type of apocalypse whilst I'd been asleep!

  6. I wonder how many others will be trying bacon in their peanut butter cookies next time they're made?? I hope this wasn't a joke as I prob will! Hahaha. Good luck with the long run after a night of Kinect - that thing can be as much of a workout as running anyway!

  7. Peanut butter and bacon sounds odd...but I might have to try peanut butter and marmite cookies, which would be a vegetarian equivalent with the same salty tang.

  8. I hate the grunty corner too! It's a really small corner in my gym too so if I ventured into it I would literally get grunts in my ear, boo!

  9. wow - my gym at 9am on a sunday is full of little people - how wierd that yours is empty...hang on...I've just checked the opening times and they weren't even open - you broke in, oh I'm telling...

  10. Haha, I could hear the little people screaming in the pool, but thankfully didn't see them!
